“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46
Instagram isn’t real ya know. Nor Facebook. Nor many of our every day lives as we walk around behind masks to hide our hurts. Life is hard. And there are times when things happen throw our lives into a seeming unending darkness. Nothing is bright or happy in our lives anymore.
That can happen to any of us at any time. Whether it is loss of a family member, a gut punch of a diagnosis, a rejection, or maybe it is a spiraling of an onset of depression.
Life is real. And it can be real hard.
But I am encouraged by this scripture today. Jesus came into this world as a light. A light in a very dark world. A light in our despair when everything looks so dim to us.
As bad as things can be and can seem in our lives…we live in hope. .the hope of Jesus and in the light that He brings to our problems.
He invites each of us to turn our eyes from the darkness that surrounds us and simply turn and focus on His light.