7 Gratitude Journal Prompts You Can Use Every Day

Do you have a gratitude journal? Or maybe a journal your write in every day? Here are 7 journal prompts to put into words some of the things and people you are grateful for.

Being grateful helps remind us of all that we do have to be thankful for. Even if you don’t have a journal you can use these prompts during a devotion or prayer time, or when you are having coffee in the morning to stop and think about your answers to these 7 prompts.

Even though we all faces challenges and sometimes even battles, there is still so much to be counted as blessings in our lives. Thank you for being here with me, reading my posts and visiting my blog. Thank you for supporting my small shop and for engaging with me on these posts. I am thankful for each one of you!

7 Gratitude Journal Prompts

What made you smile today?

Write about someone who believes in you.

What was the highlight of your day?

What’s something or someone that makes you feel safe?

Write about a person that makes you smile

What’s something that relaxes you.

Write about a goal you have achieved.

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