she believed He could, so He did

she believed He could, so He did

she believed He could, so He did.

In January my New Year’s resolution was to let this be His year. To do my best to listen to what God was calling me to do and to take steps each day to fulfill that calling.

Is it always easy? No. But I am always in awe when I feel God pulling me to do something and what happens when I have the courage to step out in faith. I am always so thankful for the big God I serve when I experience an answered prayer…no matter the size of the prayer.

Giving up control and believing God for your dreams and for what He wants you to do is uncomfortable for someone who likes to have control. Saying yes to God when He asks you to do something you aren’t comfortable with is not always easy either. But we aren’t promised easy. We are promised that what He calls us to He will equip us for.

As I turned this year over to Him, I have committed to spending more time in prayer. More time to stop and listen to his response.

Has everything been perfect in my life this year? No. But He has been faithful to go before me, to equip me, to open doors to accomplish the plans He has called me to.

Friends, He is faithful. And He will be faithful to you and your life if you can allow yourself to believe, to let go, to spend more time seeking His plan and having the courage to take that first step.

Praying for you today that you will not only seek God for your heart’s desires but also seek God for HIS desires for your life. I guarantee you that God’s desires for your life are far greater than your own.

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