DIY Rustic Twine Pumpkin

When Fall season rolls around, pumpkins abound! Every store has shelves of pumpkins ready for sprucing up our home decor. Produce stands are colorful with all of their homegrown pumpkins of all shapes, colors and sizes!

But making some cute DIY pumpkins to add into our home decor is a fun way to kick off the season. These rustic twine pumpkins cost pennies to make and are so cute! They would be cute all lined up on a shelf or filling a glass decor jar!


What you will need:

Ball of twine or hemp
Twigs from your yard
Hot glue


  1. Wrap your rope/twine around 4 fingers about 6 times and secure your loop with wire leaving one side longer as shown below. (wrap around 3 fingers for a smaller pumpkin)

2. Tie jute or string around your loops to secure.

3. Create six loop sections.

4. Cut your twig to be taller than your loop heighth. Using hot glue, begin to adhere your loops to the twig. I tried to glue mine with the knot on the loop next to the twig.

5. Once you have glued all six sections to your twig, take a piece of twine and run though all sections to cover all areas where you glued and any knots to give a cleaner look.

6. Evenly “fluff” out the sections to space them out around the stem.

Place on your shelf, in a bowl or give as cute Fall gift!

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