happy multiracial girls having fun together

Hide or Seek?

“This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

I think most of us can say we have had times in our lives when we have felt down and out. Discouraged. Like we were carrying the weight of world on our shoulders. Sometimes it seems easier to hide at home. Sometimes when hard days come it seems like running away and avoiding is the best answer. The safest answer.

But we can remind ourselves on those days that we can have courage and walk boldly out the door to face the day because we have a Father who is with us, goes before us and will not let us fail.

Facing difficult days and difficult people is certainly not something any of us want to do. At least not me. My instinct is to avoid. To stay within my circle of safety that is my home. All of those ugly situations and ugly people seem far away when I do that. And maybe I try to convince myself that if I don’t think about them or see them they aren’t there.

It reminds me of my granddaughter and my daughters when they were little playing Hide and Seek. But instead of hiding they just covered their eyes as if we couldn’t see them if they couldn’t see us. Coping by avoiding doesn’t make the hard times and hard people go away. When we leave the house or take our hands away from our eyes, they are still there.

Sure enough, hard times and hard people don’t just go away. But I have found that the key is prayer. I pray for God’s direction, His guidance, and many times I have quoted scripture that no weapon formed against me will prosper. (I can tell you some stories of when they really worked!) And the real kicker is to pray FOR those that are ugly and difficult and form against you. Man, that’ll get ’em. Well, maybe they don’t realize it, and their hearts and actions may not be changed immediately, but what does change is my heart towards them. God reminds me that He is my source. He is my focus. What He thinks of me is what matters.

Some days it takes courage to say those prayers. Sometimes it takes courage to act on God’s guidance too. But He is for us, not against us. Even when it feels like the world is against us, He, the Almighty God is for us. Remember the words Hide and Seek. Rather than hiding from the hard things, seek Him. Rest in that today and put on your best smile and walk out the door.

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