Chalk Paint DIY Tray

I’ll Trade You

Some days it seems like we just can’t focus on what we are grateful for and instead our focus is on what we are worried about. At least it is that way for me. Some days my worry overshadows my gratitude. It can quickly overcome most of my thoughts. There are so many days I would gladly trade you a worry day for a day of nothing but thoughts of blessings and gratitude. But isn’t always that easy is it?

It’s on those days and nights when my mind swirls with worries, that I just have to say God I’m sorry for worrying when I have prayed for you to take the wheel.

But when I do stop and look at all that I have to be grateful for, and all that God has done for me and my family….I see His love for me. Maybe that’s where a good gratitude journal comes in. Take the time to write down all of the things each day we are grateful for. Like waking up. A warm home. Food that fills our cabinets. The ability to see, hear, walk… Our families. Our friends. Those are just the basics. If we continued to fill the list each time that prayer was answered what a list we would have! And then we worry tries to consume us, we just pull out our list of things we are grateful and thankful for and “trade” a worry for a blessing. It’s just a focus shift, but sometimes things like a simple list can turn our minds away from the worries and remind us how blessed we are. Remind us of the times that God has been so faithful. Remind us of the times we prayed with worry and God answered.

Trading our worry for the reminders of our blessings can bring us to a place of peace. Peace that God is near and He understands. We aren’t fooling Him. He knows we worry (even though He has told us in His word not to). He knows that our flesh longs to know all, control all, see around the corner. It’s what we can’t see that worries us.

But He is already around the corner. He has already seen what’s ahead. He has already heard the outcome. That means He will be there to meet us at the very place and time of worry. That’s an amazing reminder.

What are you grateful for today that you could exchange for one of your worries?

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