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three women sitting on a rock

Craving Connection

Craving Connection. Quaratine. Stay at Home. Isolate.
Could you have ever imagined we would see these days? They are crazy times for sure. And scary. And sad. Our world has turned into something we don’t recognize. And if you are like me, even after six weeks of this, I don’t think I have it figured out.

Hurry Up and Wait

But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones. Isaiah 30:18 (MSG) I am not a “be early” for everything person. […]

DIY Topiary

I see these really pretty topiaries in boutiques and shops…with a pretty price tag. I love them but I just kept looking at them and thinking…I think I can do that. I gathered supplies at the local Wal-Mart except for the floral stem which I already had. So for less […]

Love like Jesus

Love Like That

“Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.” Ephesians 5:2 (MSG) Today’s is Valentine’s Day and the world around us is celebrating love with flowers […]

Red Velvet Cookies…oh my

I shared these yummy Red Velvet Cookies a few years ago and received a lot of feedback from folks who had tried the recipe and loved it.  As we gear up for Valentines Day, I encourage you to give these a try! They are pretty and so delicious!  Just look […]

Avocado Toast

It’s a foodie trend that may not last so we better go ahead and enjoy it while we can! 🙂 Avocado toast is on all the trendy restaurant menus and featured on our favorite food shows. You know me, I like avocado so…I’m getting in there and figuring this out […]