
But Did This Happen At Your Wedding?

Thirty four. 34 years with this guy. And what a 34 years it has been! We have walked through times of good, bad and also some ugly. I look back now over these years and all that we have learned and are still learning and I see the grace and […]

faceless gardeners strolling on path near grass in nature

What does a friend need to hear?

I know I am not always a good friend. Sometimes I feel myself pulling away from interactions and wanting to just be in my own bubble in my free time. It’s safe there. Sometimes it is because I’m feeling down, sometimes I’m just busy. A lot of the time I […]

coffee in saucer

Drinking Coffee From Your Saucer

My father sometimes drank his coffee like this! I thought it was because it was too hot.Do you remember older generations drinking from their saucer? Then today I came across this poem that made me feel there was symbolism to the coffee ritual. Drinking from My Saucerby John Paul Moore […]

fall leaves in wnc


Our little part of western North Carolina has truly been amazing this Fall. This is the look outside my front door. The sun was hitting the trees as I walked out the door in the morning and I had to grab my phone and capture it. Even our dog Gunner […]

Lead Me To the Rock

“From the ends of the earth I call to You, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2. These are crazy times for sure. And in the midst of the craziness our lives go on. And we will have […]

We Don’t Have to Stay in Darkness

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46 Instagram isn’t real ya know. Nor Facebook. Nor many of our every day lives as we walk around behind masks to hide our hurts. Life is hard. […]

Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.

Grateful. Thankful. Blessed. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I fall short of God’s grace. I get swallowed up with my worries, disappointments and sadness. Some days are just hard. Heck, some weeks and years are hard. But God has been so good to me. Yes, there have been […]

You Are My Portion

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6 I was reading a Lysa Terkeurst devotional this week where she wrote about God helping us to put […]

she believed He could, so He did

she believed He could, so He did

she believed He could, so He did. In January my New Year’s resolution was to let this be His year. To do my best to listen to what God was calling me to do and to take steps each day to fulfill that calling.